Womxn of the World
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
I will respect the dignity of all persons; therefore, I will not physically, mentally, psychologically and/or sexually abuse any human being.
I understand that verbal harassment, physical aggression and/or intolerance are unacceptable.
I will comply with local, state, and federal laws pertaining to individual civil rights and physical or sexual harassment.
I will speak up if I observe anything at an event that conflicts with this Code of Conduct.
If you are being harassed or feel uncomfortable, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the Safety & Wellness Team immediately.
I will revel in an environment in which freedom of speech, self- determination, and pursuit of creative excellence are inalienable rights.
I will abide by any rules or regulations of the event venue.
I will participate in WOWPS events in a way that encourages, illuminates, and supports established standards of good sportsmanship.
I refuse to allow the competitive challenge of the game to lead me to violence, interference, or direct threats.
I will allow all participants to pursue their craft peacefully and without censure, regardless of present team associations or past personal history.
I will abide by competition rules as defined by WOWPS, knowing that the consequences for breaking the rules exist and are upheld. Penalties will be determined by the severity of the infraction, and the ruling of the presiding WOWPS Protest Committee and/or the WOWPS Safety Committee.
I understand that if I am found engaging in activities that are contrary to the values and code of conduct stated here, this Code of Conduct will be enforced. I also understand that WOWPS may take any action it deems appropriate in conjunction with its restorative justice values.
Womxn of the World Conflict Guidelines
The WOWPS Conflict Guidelines address incidents involving a participant who allegedly violates the Code of Conduct. The WOWPS Protest Committee and the WOWPS Safety Committee review incidents and determine resolutions.
WOWPS Protest Committee:
The WOWPS Protest Committee is chaired by the Slam Tournament Director and deals with incidents that involve poetry slam rule violations and formal protests. The WOWPS Protest Committee determines the following resolutions:
Educational Conversation and Verbal Warning
Score Deduction and/or Correction
Disqualification from the WOWPS Tournament
Initiating Protests:
If a protest is not raised during the course of the bout, it may be presented to the Bout Manager within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the bout. The Bout Manager will report the protest issue and information to the Slam Tournament Director so that the Protest Committee may meet and resolve the issue before scores are posted.
Slam Tournament Director: Porsha O, polayiw2@gmail.com
WOWPS Safety Committee:
The WOWPS Safety Committee is chaired by the Safety and Wellness Coordinator and deals with incidents that involve severe code of conduct violations, safety concerns, and complaints. The WOWPS Safety Committee determines the following resolutions:
Educational Conversation and Verbal Warning
Restorative Justice Circle
Participant Removal from WOWPS
Initiating Complaints:
If a complaint or safety concern is raised during the course of the WOWPS Festival, it should be reported to a SAW Member, Safety & Wellness Coordinator, and/or Event Staff. All complaints and Incidents will be addressed by the Safety & Wellness Coordinator. Severe complaints and Incidents will be addressed by the WOWPS Safety Committee.
Safety & Wellness Coordinator: Bianca L. McGraw, bianca_mcgraw@yahoo.com